The fjords where we have spent the last few weeks seem a distant memory. We are only a smidgen further North but everything feels so different. I guess the drizzle and grey clouds don’t help but I have to admit, I miss my fjords.
After breakfast we headed to ferry terminal and caught the 10.10 to Helsa. It was actually 10 minutes behind schedule but we have a sneaky feeling we may have caused the delay. All the way to the ferry we were followed by a frustrated driver who constantly tried to overtake us on the narrow, windy roads. We had no way of pulling over to let him passed and he had no way of overtaking. When we boarded the ferry, we were greeted by rather familiar but very red faced conductor who didn’t look to pleased with us.
The countryside was rather mute in colour as the grey rain clouds hung low in the sky. But still, the country looked inexpressibly picturesque, wooden houses with porch swings and matching picket fences. Red and mustard boat houses peeked out of the grass embankment with their rickety wooden piers and ladders leading down to their little sail boats full of buoys and lobster pots. It then dawned on us..the little wooden houses post boxes are all Snoopy huts. Well with this revelation we drove the rest of the day in the hope we would find Charlie Brown and Snoopy perched at the end of someone’s drive way. A good job we had something to occupy us because the endless beauty of the countryside all started to feel a bit frustrating after a few hundred kilometre drive with no where to stop, no lay-bys or picnic spots. About half way through our drive we spotted a place by a river. Lunch spot, we thought but our delight of finding a place to stop was soon dampened. A woman in a caravan came marching out wagging her finger and ferociously shaking her head. “Go, go, go”. Unknown to us, her riverside clearing turned out to be private fishing patch. Her behaviour was beyond rude and made us grouchy.
The next hundred or so kilometres we toiled over hills dotted with marsh mellows. Bundles of hay bales in pink and white plastic sheeting. Certainly adding a splash of colour to the landscape. Maybe the vibrant colour keeps deer at bay because we spotted hundreds of deer road signs and not one deer. We passed very few towns and the places we did pass through were dry and dusty and full of scrappy pigeons, grubby hamburgers joints and fuel stations that looked as if they would be grateful to get two customers a week.
Not far from Trondheim and the auto tolls commenced. Every so often you would see a Toll sign displaying the cost of the tunnel. Granted the prices weren’t expensive from a £1 to £3 but pass through ten of these and your bill soon tots up. There is no alternative and Craig’s face was a picture!
We arrived in Trondheim (tolled city) and headed over to the city centre dedicated motorhome parking. The GPS positions courtesy of Europe by Camper was a great central spot just one problem, it was full to bursting point with a queue of anxious campers all wanting a slice of the tarmac. We drove around the area but nothing, so we headed out a couple kilometres out the centre to find run down streets dotted with small schools and what appear to be shelters all covered in graffiti. If felt like someone had transported us to another country. This is not the Norway we have come to love and feel secure in? Construction sites on every corner with scaffolding and diggers galore but we did find a car park. We pulled in to find two cars, one of which jacked up on bricks and at £25 per day, I don’t think so!
Our stomachs were roaring away and lack of food meant the shakes were imminent. We pulled over at the side of a church and had lunch several hours later than planned. This mornings freshly baked bread was a tad chewy.
Not knowing what to do for the best, we ummm’d and arrrr’d and then went back to the camper spot for a second go. Bingo! We got a spot! We were elated and never felt so happy to snug into a safe camper space albeit at a cost of £2 an hour between 8am and 8pm.
Mac n Tosh were excited to stretch their paws and join us on our tour of Trondheim. Our first stop the cathedral and Archbishops place, closed for choir practice. Well at this point we could do nothing but laugh. It sums up our day. Then to the theatre and the main square both closed due to road and street repairs. Gosh this day just gets better. Well at least we got to stand on the bridge and see the colourful warehouses and wharfs on the Nidelva river before it started to rain.
Our sleep spot tonight..a rare and precious camper parking spot in Trondheim. A city with 100’s of motorhome and camper visitors and they provide parking space for 20 or so vans. We feel very lucky after what feels a very strange day but at least we are still laughing.
GPS position N063.425831 and E010.381957
Route: Aspoya to Trondheim
Weather: Low 10 and high 18…miserable.
Surely wouldn’t have hurt the woman to let you stop for lunch. I was grouchy yesterday. We were filling up with water in Dole and I took the opportunity to spray some leaves off the front after a thunderstorm. Some French chap who just arrived to fill up started creating about me not being allowed to wash the camping car. Should have carried on and played ignorant. No patience some people ! Deliberately finished filling slowly.
We’ve had similar issues with washing the motorhome. We feel that as long as we leave the place how we found it then it should not matter. Looking after your motorhome surely is a good thing!
Can’t keep up with you just replied to one ,then dong this one appeared Did you go to church and say thanks for getting Mac back out of that hole ,So you managed to get a £2 parking lot ,not bad ,Craig would be pleased ,
£2 per hour!