Why we use Adverts

Please note that some of the links in our website are affiliate links. If you click on the link and make a make a purchase we earn a very small commission but at no additional cost to you.  We hope this commission will help provide a some cash towards our website costs and internet fees.  We are not in it to make big money.

We only list and recommend items we have purchased or used.  If the product has worked well for us in our motorhome and made our travels better then we will share the good news.  So if you are ready to buy a few products and would like to support our website in some way, using these links will help do exactly that.

Hopefully sharing our products links will save you time searching for the product and in return we get a few pence too.

All our external links are clearly marked.  If the text is highlight blue and marked with a little icon it will be a link, this way you always know where you are going.


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