We woke to more glorious sunshine, so we spent the morning doing weekly chores plus a limescale treat. A lot of the water in Europe is quite hard, so you can get quite a build up of limescale. Every month or so we use a Lidl limescale remover (about €1) in the shower, sinks and toilet. We let it soak for a while then thoroughly rinse with plenty cold water. The biggest difference is the toilet, as it eliminates the smell of ammonia that builds up on the limescale. Craig also cleaned the outside of Vin including a good scrub of his roof and solar panels.
A chat with our neighbour David from Australia before we set off for Oswiecim. The drive was slow at times with busy traffic, road repairs and bumpy roads. On route, we filled up with the cheapest diesel at 3.98plz per litre.
We arrived in Oswiecim better know as, Auschwitz. It was not as we expected. For what ever reason we expected the museum to quite a remote place, not surrounded by houses, buildings and a mix of towns and villages. This through us some what. We headed to the official car park only to be turned away and direct across the road. We crossed over and parked up to check the it out. A rate of 20 plz compared to 15 plz in the official car park. When I asked about overnight parking, I was shuffled around to the side of the pay booth to were he pointed to an unofficial price tag of 40 plz (£8). I know its not expensive but everything felt rather hush hush and weird. It is very rare we get a bad feeling but this didn’t feel right.
It took a while to find but eventually we found the hotel camping ground. Literally around the corner a hotel (we think its a hotel although it doesn’t have hotel in its name) with nice grounds. Campers can stay in the ground for £8 per person per night. Twice the price of the car park but the services are excellent but more importantly, it feels right. £8 to feel safe is well worth it. This includes electricity, showers, wifi, toilets and services.
With wifi we took the opportunity to upload all our blog posts then have an early night in readiness for tomorrow’s early start.
Our sleepy spot: Oswiecim, hotel grounds with great facilities (think its called CDiM) and only 5 minutes walk from Auschwitz museum.
Paid Camping GPS position Oswiecim N050.023122, E019.197964
Route: Czechochowa to Oswiecim
I was going to ask what you used as the lime scale remover. What have you found to be the best.
We use Lidl’s limescale remover whilst travelling because its the one we know and recognise. Back in the UK we used a different remover, which worked just as good.
Very wise. If it doesn’t feel right move on. Wish we had done that in France when we had both bikes stolen. We had paid for 2 nights but intended moving on after one. That night four bikes went missing. Our and our neighbours
Its very rare we get the feeling Lin but would rather air on side of caution.
Jeez, 2 bikes – hopefully no damage to motorhome
The bikes were locked to a tree with a thick lock. They cut through it. Mine was electric, Gordon’s a brand new mountain bike. The neighbours which were also stolen were expensive electric ones. This was on the aire just outside the camp site at Carnon Plage. It was credit card operated barrier. Site owners were not interested. Think they may have known something about it as you couldn’t get in without credit card or pass.
Lin, that is terrible. I cant believe the owners didn’t show any interest. Well hopefully word spreads and people stop going, they dont deserve the business.