Welcome to Our Bumble travel website. If you know us then no need for an introduction but if you’ve just stumbled across us then Hi, we are Jo and Craig from England.
We are both in our mid to late 40’s (well, this was true until this year when I turned 50!) and been together for 30+ years doing normal stuff like building a career, working long hours, paying off the mortgage and finding hobbies to help us chill at the weekend. Then one day in 2013, we made a decision to go travelling in a motorhome and the rest is history!
Our Bumble Crew
The Driver & Chef & DIY’er
Name: Craig
Age: 48
Occupation: Builder turned Graphic Designer
The Treasurer & Cleaner & Blogger
Name: Joanne
Age: 50
Occupation: Qualified Accountant and Director
The Dachshund Dudes: Mac ‘n’ Tosh
Name: Mac
Job: Floor licker & chief cuddler
Name: Tosh
Job: Digger & foot warmer
The Motorhome
Model: Hymer B590
Our Philosophy
As a rule of thumb we travel to a new place each day but if we like it, we stop a while longer. We mainly wild camp, which means if we like a place, we stop! This however tends to be in the middle of nowhere. We’re sensitive campers in that we never park in front of people’s homes or in places where we shouldn’t park. We travel between 30 and 50 kilometres per day this not only keeps the diesel cost down but more importantly it keeps us from dashing everywhere.
Our Beginning
We are two ordinary people who had a dream of travelling the world. The dream often coincided with talks of our retirement plans or whenever we got chatting about spending more time together, enjoying a stress free life, doing things we’d always dreamed of etc. You know the kind of things we are talking about, right? Well, one day in 2013 we’d had enough, decided life was too short and took the plunge to live our dream.
I think it is fair to say that in 2013, we went through a period of nothing but bad luck and it really made us reflect on what was important to us and what we wanted out of life. The rat race, the material things, the fine dining suddenly didn’t appeal any more. When faced with losing each other and the people you love, it makes you realise what is important. This was our turning point. We took a long hard look at what we had, made a few tweaks and decided to take early retirement and… live our dream.
The Planning
We spent a full year putting things in to place and planning what we would do. This involved working 6 months notice, which was one of the hardest things we’ve done. Both from a financial and mental point of view. By this stage in our lives, we were enjoying a successful career with large salary and benefits. Handing in our notice took away our financial lifeline and giving that up was hard. All of a sudden we had to think about our money in a very different way, yet all around us were our friends, still enjoying the benefits of a normal life. At this stage, we felt trapped between two worlds and even though the new world was unknown, we never questioned our decision. In our hearts, we know it was right and that kept us going.
In mid 2013, we bought our first Motorhome and did the usual stuff like going away at weekends. Each week we would do something new to the Motorhome like fit solar panels then spend the weekend trialling the gadget. We spent hours researching what we needed and then spent the same amount of time installing it. We optimised our storage to a fine tea and whittled things down to essential stuff except for my clothes, Craig would say. Well us women do love our clothes just as you men love your tools. By spring of 2014, we were ready for our first adventure.
Our Motorhomes
In 2013, we purchased our first motorhome, a 2007 Hymer 694SL, a handsome chap and named him Homer. In April 2014, we set off and that year we travelled around Italy, Sicily and a little bit of Austria. We had a great time but the challenges of living in a poorly built Motorhome combined with an newly acquired itchy skin condition took its toll and within 6 months we were back in the UK. If anything could go wrong with the motorhome, it did.
Back in the comfort of our home, we questioned what we wanted out of life and still came up with the same answer, so with that we sold the 694SL and bought a 12 month old Hymer B590. With fighting spirit, we said let’s give it another go!
By early December 2014, we were back on the road. The B590 named Vin, is completely different to the first motorhome and we love him. Firstly, it feels more stable and nothing falls apart when you touch it. The built quality is good and with a Mercedes 3L V6 we can get to most places that we want to. For us, the size is right with enough room to feel comfortable but small enough to get in most parking spaces. We’ve installed solar panels, gas and adapted the Motorhome (all ourselves) so we can wild camp where ever we like.
For our 2016 trip we did a few minor alterations like additional heater vents on the dash to prevent side windows from steaming up, LED strip light in the front cab area, changed batteries and just minor tweaks.
Under our Equipment, Tips & Money Matters sections we provide lots of useful and practical tips for living in a motorhome.
The Start
When we set off in April 2014 we’d never been in a motorhome, never mind live in one. It was always a dream to own one but the reality seemed awfully different. Life on the road was challenging and it took some getting used to. Like being together 24/7 in a small, confined space with no me time. No nipping around the corner to see your friends or family or nipping to the pub for a pint. The frustrations of not having electricity and water when you clicked your fingers but most of all the smell of the bog, well it drove us potty!
However, the places we discovered were amazing and having the flexibility to stay where ever we wanted was fantastic. For us, the first trip allowed us to really understand what we wanted from a motorhome and how we needed to adapt to motorhome living. Now we have everything in place, travelling is just wonderful and the freedom to bumble where ever is totally liberating.
The Origins of Our Bumble
We call our travel tales ‘Our Bumble’ and up until now we have never really thought about how ‘Our Bumble’ came about. It just sort of happened?…back in April 2014, when we started our journey, I kept a diary of what we did and where we went. I would telephone my mum every week to tell her about our adventures and she would tell me about hers. We would often use the phrase ‘bumbling’ because I never quite knew where I was going and mum never knew where she’d been. Sadly, mum was diagnosed with dementia in 2013 and her short term memory was not quite what it used to be. However, the term ‘Our Bumble’ provided common ground for us to laugh, chat and occasional cry but most all, we had endless hours of laughter trying to figure out what the heck was going on in our world.
To help mum with her dementia, I started to put together a weekly update of the places we visited with plenty photo’s. I would always try and write the update as if I was talking to mum, so I kept it real with plenty high’s and the odd ‘keep it real’ low points, so she got a real true taste of our van life. Most of all I tried to fill with humour, so she could have a good laugh and enjoy our journey as much as we did.
Each week we would add more people to our circulation list and the list just grew. At the end of our first trip (2014) we had around 300 followers and come the end of the second trip (2015) we topped a 1,000+ followers and decided it was time to listen to our travel buddies and build our own website.
Building Our Website
In December 2015 we looked at how we could build the website ourselves and how we could achieve this. Neither of us had any experience in this, so plenty head scratching moments but come the New Year we were ready to roll. In January 2016, we registered our domain name and started building the website. After picking a theme we compiled our blog by loading and back dating all our travel journals from our 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 trip….and the rest is history, so they say.
If you have ever thought of packing everything in, changing your lifestyle and driving towards the sunset…or do you fancy a holiday in the motorhome and need some inspiration for that unique journey…or do you want to have a good giggle at our ups and downs. Our website is aimed at anyone with a sense of adventure and a desire to explore. We will share information on our hidden gems, our wild camping spots as well as stuff on how to travel cheaper, handy hints on living in a motorhome and tips to keep your on the move.
We hope you enjoy the website and if you do, please share with others. If you would like to receive updates on the site, just scroll to the bottom of the page & subscribe to the blog (we don’t send any spam & any details you provide are confidential.)
Contact Us
We reply to all our emails but if we are traveling in remote areas then the internet access will be limited and it may be a few days before we get back to you.
Our aim is our followers to help us build a website with the information that you like and want to see, so please send us your feedback. Email us at ourbumble@icloud.com and we will do our best to accommodate.
Super website and very much enjoyed reading your tips and travel stories! Will you be travelling again as we start to open up?
Hi there, really miss your posts since you finished your travel in Turkey (it’s now Apr 2019) So where are you now? are you travelling?
Hi guys, I just found this, what a great site. You are living our dream. We are planning on traveling full time in our motorhome Una an Adria Sonic Supreme, we were thinking when we retire but reading this has made me start to rethink. I’m going to spend one time now catching up with your adventures xx Jo (aka Norman and Sausage on tour)
Thanks guys! I won’t deny it too quite a lot courage to take the leap to retire early but we don’t regret it one bit. If you need any help or guidance just give us a shout x
I just came across your blog it looks like its full of very handy tips and information I look forward to reading more. We bought a motorhome just over 2 months ago in the Netherlands (Burstner Harmony T617), we are a couple of Aussies (well I’m a Brit/Aussie) and we plan to travel Europe for a year (minus the cold months where we head to much warmer places lol) then sell the motorhome back to where we bought her next September. Reading your history made me laugh because it mirrors my thoughts and feelings. Our motorhome is 17 years old had we lived in Europe then we would have bought a much newer one but our circumstances our a little different. The challenges are the same, we have had to fix a few things and I do worry about breaking down or something going really wrong especially as right now we are in Norway the most expensive country in Europe!! We are your age too and quit jobs 18 months ago to travel and everything you say is true about getting used to not having the income and missing those little things like home comforts and the need to see my chiro and spending time with friends, you feel torn between 2 worlds but you only live once and its a dream to do what we do and we don’t regret it. Late next year we will go home and settle back down again until we are ready to travel again we can’t really afford to retire just yet. We solved the smelly bog problem from the beginning by fitting a SOG unit
Just joined your blog and thoroughly enjoying it. For the last six years we have wintered in Spain, (mostly) and Portugal. In Autumn 2019, or possibly Spring 2020 we are planning to head down to the Italian lakes and then into Croatia, so your blog is very helpful. We will be calling it ‘The Little & Large Tour’ as we have sold our caravan and now have a 20 year old sub 7m Auto-Sleepers Talisman and our friends who we will be touring with have an American RV!
Hi guys, thanks for dropping by and taking the time to say hello. Winter in Spain and Portugal you can’t beat it. Hopefully our Croatian tour provides you with loads of resources but if you have any questions just shout x
Just stumbled on your blog. We stopped working 2 years ago at 50 & 48, and have rented out our houses for an income.
We live in NZ (10 years now), but did 8 months in a Burstner Ixeo IT680G in the UK before shipping it home last week. We’re about to collect it and travel 6 months around our beautiful South Island.
Your blog, I’m sure, will be extremely useful for us.
Looking forward to reading it in more depth as soon as I can! Currently packing up a tent!
PS retiring early is the best thing we’ve ever done (aside from coming to NZ) and it’s amazing how many folk we’ve met since who have done the same and never regretted it. Some recently, some 30 years ago. Time goes too quickly to work just to keep up a lifestyle. Experience is way more rewarding.
Regards, Mandy & Scott
Great site and info but the photographs spoil it imho. HDR gone mad imho.
Thanks for the positive feedback but we don’t use that many Hdr images, joanne is addicted to them so, she’s the boss
Hey Jo & Craig, here’s a silly question. I don’t see you wearing your wedding rings anymore. Where did they go?
Hi Tiffany, yeah you are the first to ask. I have a skin condition so occasionally my skin reacts to any sort of pressure. When this happens I have to remove my wedding rings.