- KGB Front Door
- Stone Memorial
- Stairwell
Today, is the Remembrance Day for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism. This day 25 years ago, the Baltic Countries said no to Soviet rule and two million people joined hands to form a human chain stretching from Tallinn to Vilnius. It was also on this day in 1939 when Germany and Soviet Union signed a pact and divided Europe between them. This facilitated military aggression and created framework for Holocaust, deportation, mass murder and ethic cleansing.
We had never heard of this Day of Remembrance until we arrived at the Genocide Victims Museum. Situated in the middle of Vilnius, in the former KGB headquarters and prison. At the entrance, a young girl smiled and gently handed us a postcard of a picture of Povilas Seikalis (1931 – 1954). He was arrested in 1950 and sentenced by the special council to 10 years in a labour camp. Taken to the Kengyr labour camp he died on 16 May 1954, the first day of the uprising. It sent shivers down my spine.

KGB Stamps
A truly spectacular but very moving museum presents the most tragic period in Lithuanian history with exhibits and information over 3 floors. The information is displayed in the offices, prison cells, the execution cells and KGB rooms.
- Train To Death
- KGB Material
- Russian Litriture
- KGB Material
- Old Phone
The first two floors were mainly the KGB offices and rooms telling the facts from half a century of rule. A room dedicated to the children with babies clothes, little birthday embroidered badges and the details of how they suffered. Mass destruction of entire families, it was heart breaking.
- Display Exhibit
- Exhibit
- Exhibit
- Exhibit
- Blank Birth Certificate
- KGB Radio Office
- KGB Typewriter
- Russian Hat
- Russian Uniform
- Mauser Pistol
Downstairs the prison, torture chamber and execution cell. Jeez, this was horrendous and all I can say, I really hope this never happens again.
- Cells
- Cell Block
- Cell Doors
- KGB Cell
- Cell Door
- Lock
- Prisoner Toilets
- Padded Cell
- Sleep Deprevation
- Execution Chamber
In our ignorance, we had absolutely no idea how much pain and suffering the Baltic states went through. We assumed that most of their pain and suffering occurred under Nazi rule and during war time but no. More lives were lost or people tortured after the world war and right up to 1991. I personally really struggled with this and it played on my mind…this brutal suffering has happened since I was born. This really hit a nerve.
Losses (about 40% of current population)
Pre 1944 – 353,200
Post 1944 – 379,423
Forced to leave and repatriate – 496,000
- Death by KGB
- Resistance Images
- A Lost Family
- KGB Victim
From 1944 to 1947 the remains of people imprisoned, tortured and shot by KGB in Vilnius prison were secretly buried at Tuskulenai Peace Park. We had intended on visiting the park but as we left the museum we just walked and talked about what this country went through, all the way back to Vin. We completely got lost in conversation trying to understand…this experience is still alive in the memories of people of our generation.
If you would like more information the website of The Genocide Victims Museum is excellent

Stone Inscription
Doesn’t matter if they come from the left or the right of the political spectrum extremists need keeping down at all costs.
True Sue
we don’t know how lucky we are, and not live under a dictator rule
lolXXX Michele Dad
So true.
Yes, heart-breaking and tragic, and true. “Uncle Joe” Stalin murdered more people than Hitler and the Nazis. Yet we were “in bed” with him as our ally during the Second World War. I’ve never visited Auschitz as I believe for certain it would reduce me to a wreck. This place even more so as it is within living memory. I have tears running down my face as I type this!!!! One day I might muster the courage you’ve shown and visit these places. It is really mind-numbing what man can do to his fellow-man.
Neal, it is horrid. I never realised this happened until I visited the museum. I personally found it heart breaking but equally, I am thankful to the museum for sharing because without it, I would never have know this even happened.
Well, what can I say? Normally your posts bring a smile to my face. This time it was tears to my eyes! What a shameful race we are, humans … And how little do we know!
We can only hope that one day we will learn.
Yes it’s heartbreaking to see ,read what atrosatise there were around the Baltic countries & in,the war ,The KGB l believe we’re worse than the Germain Gestapo & that’s saying something ,I was told that they would commit suicide rather than to be caught by the Russians
Any mass cruelty is horrid.
Visited this terrible place about 10 years ago, the things that went on behind those doors is absolutely horrendous.
It’s horrid Alan, plays on your mind.