We finished all the GPS positions for Denmark, Sweden and Norway before getting ready to head to Bergen.
We filled up with fresh water, emptied the grey and the loo. The water pressure on the fresh water hose was particularly high, so we decided to jet wash the grey tank. The pressure was just right and we managed to clean off all the little particles that build up. Once clean we popped in a little bit of bleach and water to give the tank a final rinse.
Today, the sun has his hat on, so off to Bergen we trot. Once again, we hugged the coast all the way. We found loads of little picnic spots and coves that you could park up but we decided to crack on. Norway is so scenic and with every new headland or cove comes a new inviting view. You could drive a mile and stop, feeling you in a completely different place.
Its been 3.5 weeks since we filled up with LPG and we need to find a station within the next week or so. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen any since Oslo. We checked our LPG link and entered the GPS location on route. A few miles out of Bergen and a busy station but no LPG. I went inside and the very helpful assistance informed me they no longer sell it. Apparently, a lot of stations have stopped selling LPG and the best place to find is small commercial set ups. He jotted down a place on Kanalvegan in Bergen. We stopped at numerous stations but the same story, stop selling it and each one directed us to Kanalvegan. Guess we will try there, tomorrow…wish us luck.
We continued onwards to Bergen and spent the rest of the day driving around and around trying ti find somewhere to park. We had 3 campsites noted down but either full or closed. It was a challenge with small roads, steep inclines and dead ends. We were not alone. At the last camper stop we joined a queue with at least 10 other motorhomes all in need of a place to stay. We pulled up at the side and shuffled in the reserved school parking just so we could work out the best plan. Hard to believe there is a queue because the camper stop is anything but pretty and located in front of an ugly, abandoned building. I stayed with the dogs and the motorhome whilst Craig went in seek of spot. Twenty minutes later, he returned and off we rolled to a small piece of land opposite the sports ground. It wasn’t brilliant but it beggars cant be choosers and it certainly was a damn site prettier than the camper stop.
We pulled up and had a bite to eat before a quick Eor ride in to Bergen city. It looks nice and plenty ti explore tomorrow
Our sleep spot tonight, over looking 3 football pitches with sports complex to our front and to rear. Feels a little strange like we are parking on disused land but at the same time, it feels totally safe.
GPS position 060.351318, 005.359618
Route: Eikelandsosen to Bergen
Weather, back to sun and blue skies…shame we spent most of the day hunting out LPG and camper stops! Low 14 and high 29.
Pingback: The road Bergen is stunning, pity Bergen isn’t. | The Travels of Charlie the Chucklebus
Jo, try this website covering places that sell gas in Norway:: http://agass.no/fyllestasjoner
Apparently there is a shell garahge in Nesttun just outside Bergen city centre. They offer different types of gas.
Cheers Tommy! We went to the Shell garage, he was very helpful but they no longer sell lpg. To be honest, we have been to quite a few that did but no longer sell…think everyone in Norway is switching to electric! We are going to try the one at Voss. Jo x x x
Hope you have a bit of luck & find some LPG ,Well tomorrow is another day you might get lucky fingers crossed,if not you will have to play football with Mac n Tosh ,it’s still nice to read your adventure & quite a few people have remarked about it on Facebook & I fell proud when I tell them ( it’s my daughter ) loads of luv DADxxx Mac n Tosh xxx