Our downhill journey from high Tatras to Levoca was very pleasant indeed. We passed through oodles of lovely countryside with rolling hills that reminded us of a patchwork quilt. From vibrant pea green to pale shimmery wheat, the natural shades in the warm morning light set the tone for the day. All complimented with the odd small village perched on a hillside with pastel painted houses and a tiny church tower. It so reminded me of Sicily and the stunning views from Ragussa to Erice. Its moments like these when nothing else will do but plonk the feet on the dash, slide back the chair and soak up the view. Perfecto.
- Rolling hills
- Slovakian town
- Stunning Views
Wifi! We have wifi but the signal is so weak it means we can’t upload any photo’s, so I have the blog posts ready and as soon as we get a good signal I will upload and publish….hope that’s OK pops!
We entered the walled town of Lavoca, parked up on the main square and popped €2 in the parking meter. Lavoca is gorgeous, an infinitely charming little place full of 16th and 17th century buildings all set within a medieval stone wall. In the heart of the town, a small square named the námestie Majstra Pavla (don’t ask me to pronounce, I haven’t got a clue!) with the church of St James located in the middle. Inside the worlds tallest gothic alter at 61ft but no photos permitted and if you get caught taking a snap they fine you a whopping £50. No sneaky snaps then (Click to enlarge photo’s)
- Town hall
- Cafe & church
- Hotel Windows
- Balcony
- Town hall
The village has not long received its UNESCO status and as such, European funding for development and renovation is flooding in. Scaffolding and construction works on every corner. In between the scaffolding, pastel coloured buildings with ornate detail and dotted with tables and chairs from the cafés. At point, Craig shot off to one of the bistro’s. I got all giddy, lunch, oh my lunch, we are going to eat out. I nearly pee’d with excitement. Lunch arrived in the name of a grapefruit ice-cream, sigh. I closed my eyes, switched in my imagination and licked my way through a 2 course lunch.
- Shell details
- Door arch
- Old Building
- Town hall details
At one end, the town hall with a collection of arts and craft stalls selling items made by the local school children. To the rear stood the tower, dignified and white, with steps leading up to a small museum with terraced arches and an open view. As you peer down the long sweeping streets, your eyes are drawn to the elevated church in the distance. We have no idea what it is called but it sure looks rather grand.
Outside the town hall, a small fountain, monument and the cage of disgrace. A public place for women who committed petty crimes! Horrible really, but then it wasn’t that long a go since we put kids in the corner and stick a dunce hat on them!
- Levano square
- Cage of disgrace
- Jo & Co in cage
Well I didn’t get put in the cage but instead I got sent to cell block H! Little did I know that within half an hour I would be trundling through the psychiatric ward of Lavoca hospital asking anyone in a white uniform “do you speak English?” With seriously ill folk slowly shuffling towards me in big fluffy slippers, I was more than happy to take their lack of response as a no. Eventually, I wandered in to the radiotherapy ward and I found a lovely nurse who spoke English and took pity on me. She kindly walked me around to a rather depressing, khaki green corridor with what can only be described as prison cells doors at either end. Along the wall, a row of plastic chairs with 20 pairs of eyeballs watching me. No seats, I stood and waited. The eyeballs never moved.
Eventually, a nurse unbolted the door and beckoned me inside, I jumped to attention. The eyeballs weren’t impressed, for some strange reason I was given priority and clearly jumped the slow moving queue. The drunk, drugged or sick eyeballs watched me enter the large sterile room.
Inside I ask if anyone speaks English. In the corner, a voice shouts “I speak English”. A blonde, middle aged doctor has a powerful presence. Her glance over her spectacles is intimidating, penetrating and stern. As she looks me up and down I feel like I am being frisked and as she starts to question me about the need for a B12 injection, I feel rather nervous. When she realises I am in Slovakia on holiday, she starts to thaw, smiles and when she asks me drop my shorts, I realise I have passed the test. A sharp jab in the buttock, a quick wipe and I am on my way.
- Parked Up
- Lidl…Craig will be happy
- Mac cooling down
Our Bumble Verdict: excellent little village with plenty charm, character and eyeballs.
With a sore arse we set off towards through more glorious countryside. This country is so pretty and even though we are only darting through, I know we will come back at some point. We stopped at a few villages to have coffee break and a toot. Stop, start all the way to Spis, taking it in turns to rally to the end point with a whole load of snow ploughs. A sure sign winter is only around the corner.
Its mid afternoon when there’s first glimpse of our final destination. Spis castle is an 11th century fortress ruin perched on a hill top. Its on hell of a monster castle and can be seen for miles around. Not much remains of the castle and inside, the open air is home to some great views and the odd museum. At the bottom of the hill a quaint town with a nice square and to the north, a walled village. Inside the stone wall, one long cobbled street with St Martin’s Cathedral located at the top with some fine detail and a few famous tombstones.
- Spis Castle
- Outer walls
- Castle interior
- Rear gate
- Spisske Podhradie
- Spisska Kapitula
- Spisska Kapitula clock
- Spisska Kapitula
- Church door
- Door detail
- Door detail
- Old stones
- Stone Cross
- Old door & stones
Our Bumble Verdict: Collectively all 3 sites make for a good stop off and a mooch at Slovakian heritage.
Our motorhome sleepy spot: On guard duty at Spis castle, a free car park over looking the valley and flood lit castle.
Wild Camping GPS position Spis N048.998550, E020.771143
Route: Tatranska Lamnica to Spis
I’m behind time today ,this is what you sent yesterday ,i was at Bert Llewelyns funeral yesterday & it was late afternoon ,so it was about 9pm when I got home ,Remember Bert ,he used to have the Spinners ,he was only seventy six ,he’d suffered with Demensia for Quite a while but he was aggressive with it ,he’s at peace now ,roll on November 26 & Benidorm ,This morning the fellow that delivers the medication called & asked could he come to Benidorm with Frank& I ,He’s got into another Hotel nearby so he will be okey ,He’s never been to Benidorm so I’ll have to look after him ,
Pity you couldn’t take Photos of that Alter ,but if they say no ,they mean NO. Look after yourselves & don’t bother if you can’t Email me I understand ,although I must admit ,I’d miss them Go & get another ice cream ,spoil yourself Loads of luv DADxxx
I don’t think we know Bert, dementia is a horrible disease and so cruel. But like you say, he is at peace now x x
Every day I think of putting my feet up and having a break from writing a blog, I think of you and then I am off writing. I know you enjoy reading them and it makes me smile to know it makes you happy x x x
We love your blog, it keeps us going as we plan our own travels in a couple of years time, roll on freedom. I laughed at your description of the hospital, but it got me wondering. I have to have regular B12 jabs for pernicious anaemia, and I decided to self inject after getting fed up with having to go to the doctor each time. After an initial squeamishness it is really easy. You can buy the needles from any pharmacy or online and the B12 ampules can be bought over the counter in most European countries. In the UK you have to order from Germany or pay silly money to get them on prescription. I buy a years supply at a time and can inject whenever I need to. Not sure if you have a similar condition, but just thought I would share in case it made your life on the road easier
Thanks Andy & Lynn. My doctor provided me with a years supply of B12 and I asked about self inject but they said no. I asked the nurse too and she agreed with doctor hence the visit to the hospital. Now I hear different, I will look in to.
Have fun planning the trip, I enjoy the dreaming and finding great places to visit x