Up bright and early, so we could take the dogs for a long walk through the gorge. Once off the dirt path we turned in to the trees and foliage and didn’t surface again for another coupe of hours. The sniff dogs went in to overdrive, they loved it. We followed the gorge, passing outlaw hideouts and caves. At each river bend we crossed a suspended wooden bridge. At best the bridge was wonky with a few missing planks and at worst, snapped but at least the planks provided a good base for stepping stones. All rather Indiana Jones and good fun which added to the excitement. As for the gorge itself, we never really got to see it with all the trees but still and enjoyable walk.
- Turda gorge
- Gorge riverbed
- Another bridge
- Turda gorge bridge
- Jo crossing cafefully
- Turda gorge bridge
- Oh dear
- Oops!
- Turda gorge
Our Bumble Verdict: Turda Gorge, feels more like a good walk in the forest than a walk through a narrow gorge. Not worth the journey – just go to nearby park or forest.
We rocked and rolled all the way to the main road before zooming off to a Lidl. A new country and a new Lidl. Oh jeez, Craig went in to overdrive and we departed stuffed with goodies. The downside to cheap countries is the fact you buy more and therefore eat more. Not good for the waistline!
Stocked up we drove on for a couple of hours to Sighişoara. Following the river and passing through a lots of small villages including a gypsy palace town. Such a shame we could not pull over and take a photo, they were super elaborate with pagoda roofs finished in ornate sliver decoration. All the villages looked pretty similar with one main road, one row of houses on either side of the road, single storey and tiled roof.
- Haystacks
- Plane in middle of roundabout
- Old lady
- Tending to his sheep
- Lots of sheep
- Scrapyard
Its late afternoon, clouds are gathering and heavy rain is on its way. Its part of the course here in Romania. The high temperatures, a sudden down pour and all will be over in a few minutes before the sun will be back, heating the ground until it steams. Then before you know it, it’s as though it never happened. The same will happen tomorrow, and probably the next day too.
We pulled up at Aquaris camping, which is just over the river from the old town.
The small camping ground was OK but nothing special with dated services and massive empty swimming pool. However, the secure enclosed campsite is clean and we fancied a BBQ (we don’t generally wild camp and BBQ), so we paid our 80 Lei (£16) and parked up….and had a BBQ. This little chap decided to join us with his long straw snout gathering all the yummy nectar.
Our motorhome sleepy spot: Sighişoara, at compact and dated Aquaris Camping.
Paid Camping GPS position Sighişoara N046.223037, E024.796466
Route: Turdu Gorge to Sighişoara
Was that a Humming Bird Hawkmoth?
We think so Sue but we dont know enough about them to say for sure.
I’m glad you are enjoying the stay in Romania ,better than I thought you would,it’s 8/9 yrs since I was there wasn’t reall impressed ,but times change except for that poor horse with all those sticky bobs in its Maine & metal bridal .Well at least you’re seeing the world so roll on Bulgaria which in parts are similar & Cheap ,Up Craig’s street & Mine ,keep on enjoying ,look after Mac n Tosh & have a good time Luv DADxxx
Loving it dad, so pretty