We spent the morning chatting to Rasmus and Tone, a lovely Norwegian couple. They were in their camper and on their way to visit their son who lived just across the water. We chatted about all sorts and they shared their tips on cheaper travel in Norway and some of the best places to visit. Thankfully, Tone wrote down the locations (twice as Tosh ate the first note) so we didn’t have to remember the names.
- Suger sterile
- Down by the water
- Snail
- Sneeze
By noon Rasmus and Tone headed over to see their son and we headed over to Sand. Once again, the drive was brilliant with the road hugging the coast providing fantastic views down the fjords and out to the numerous tiny islands and inlets. The colours of the water constantly changing from emerald green to deep ink blue. Once in Sand we headed out to the spot Rasmus told us about and parked on the pier. We joined around 6 other campers all looking over the twinkly waters to the village of Sand.
- The village of Sand
- Sand Church…closed!
- The beach at Sand
We had a walk in to the sleepy, small fishing village and it was sleepy. We carried on passed the harbour and up the hill to the Salmon Studio. As we reached the top we spotted some familiar faces, a German family we parked next to in Forsand. We had a chat and shared a few notes before we tootled off to see the Salmon. Unfortunately, we were 2 weeks too early to see the studio but we admired the small waterfall and walkway from the side of the road. This salmon river, Suldalslågen, flows into Sandsfjorden through the town of Sand and here the salmon and trout can be observed through a glass window as they swim upstream, back to their birth place.
- Falls full of Salmon
- Salmon Farm Logo
- Can you spot Vin?
We debated crossing the new bridge to Sauda (no sign, yet) or continuing on with our original route. We decided on our original route just in case we got lost without the road signs. A quick right at Sand (after a free top up with water at the fuel station) and then a bumble on down the road. We travelled through a landscape of bumpy hills, red or white wooden houses, small hamlets, impenetrable pine forests, scattered lakes and endless little tunnels. What we didn’t see..any cars! Once again, the roads were lovely and quiet, which made driving the coastline road much easier. We had hoped to find a wild camping spot somewhere on the fjord but this fjord only offers straight cliff drops to the water. All around waterfalls gushing in to the fjord. Some, so high up they just looked like white veins in the rocks, whilst others so close they just sprayed water all over the side of the road. Eventually, we found a nice little village on the waters edge, so we turned off and pulled over and headed to a little pier. We shared our spot with a couple from Belgium and several wag tails.
Our sleep spot tonight, free aire offering parking, toilets, water and electricity but most of all, it offers an excellent view the fjord with cascading waterfalls and snow capped peaks.
GPS position 059.644578, 006.802021(click and it should open google maps)
Route: Suldal to Nesflaten
Weather, low 9 high 28. Another hot, toasty day
Sounds lovely x
It is. How you getting along with fuel? Joanne
Everywhere looks so beautiful and serene. Yes can just imagine me and Russ following you in a tiny camper van and Russ would have loved sitting On the edge of any water waiting for Craig to bring him his food. If only ……
I know. I often sit here at night just wondering but I darent wonder too long because I end up in tears x x x
Once again you’ve excelled yourself with the photos,cool clear waters & nice salmon& trout ,l know someone who would have enjoyed Fishing Here ,It must feel nice meeting up again with friends on the road ,even if you talk pigeon English ,keep on enjoying & finding free parking lots ,it all adds up ,more treats
I know he would have loved it Joanne