We pass very close to the border with Iran and it’s strange to see road signs reading, ‘Doğubeyazıt,’ ‘Kars,’ ‘Iran.’ Iran has always felt like one of those untouchable faraway countries. Until today, here we are, sharing the D100 road with lorries with Iranian number plates and being pointed to the direction of the border.
- Road to Iran
- GPS no good
- Ark somewhere up there
- Pole pointing to Iran?
About 5km before the border we turn right and head up a bumpy dirt track to the top of the peak. We are greeted by an abandoned tourist information building.
We clamber over the extremely rocky terrain and after nearly breaking our necks we find it….YEAH! Although Craig didn’t quite share my enthusiasm, I guess we have different view points. Many people depending on their area of expertise disagree on the connection between Mount Ararat and Noah. Some geologists and archaeologists believe a worldwide flood never took place.
Historians often back up this point of view. Citing no evidence of a mass cull of civilisation at that time. Both viewpoints do not, however, rule out the possibility of a smaller flood that Noah did indeed build the ark.
According to the Book of Genesis, Noah’s ark landed on Hare Ararat. Some scholars say this refers to the broad region of the time and not the actual mountain. This would coincide with the Islamic story. Noah is a prophet in Islam and the Quran says the ark landed on Al Judi. This is one of Mount Ararat’s peaks.In the 1960s, a report in Life magazine said a Turkish army general surveying aerial photographs had spotted a 500 feet long boat shape engrained in the terrain. Fever set in and over the decades, many scholars, historians, scientists, religious experts and geologists visited the area to complete studies.
Great discussions took place with people dividing themselves into one of two camps. Either yes, it was Noah’s ark or no, it was not. Some experts even changed their mind but after adamantly saying it was the ark to declaring they were wrong. In 2010, the esteemed National Geographic and Time publications ran pieces in which a team of explorers said they were 99.9% certain they had found the ark. Once again, however scientists and geologists stepped forward to say there is no factual evidence to back up their claim.
Back at base, the subject of Noah’s ark and whether it did ever exist or land on Mount Ararat continued. People who search for it are labelled ark hunters while many religious circles believe he did land on Mount Ararat regardless of whether science can verify the claim. Then there are archaeologists, scientists, geologists and historians who believe there was no need for him to ever build the boat in the first place.
It seems the story of Mount Ararat and Noah’s ark is unlikely to ever be solved and will forever be one of history’s greatest mysteries.
Beautiful scenery and a very interesting story. How special to have been there. Definitely looks like Noah’s Ark to me! that’s a major tick off the bucket list that not too many will have xx
Big tick Joan
Just a bit jealous, but I did do it back in 88, went through Iraq, onto Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, CAR, Algeria, Egypt again and back through Greece and Yugoslavia, Austria and Germany. You’ll get terrible wanderlust on your return! Have fun and stay safe, making memories of a lifetime.
Wow Simin that sounds like a fab trip and back in 88, that would be quite the exception.
Great adventure but Noahs ark !! He was that guy who lived to 900 years old and we are all descended from the children his sons had with his daughters – is that the Noah you mean?
Think he was 901 Graham and not quite sure why he never received a telegram from the queen
You made it, fantastic! Brilliant photos and descriptions of your journey so far. Stay safe xx
Thanks guys, hope you are keeping well
Is it safe?
We feel it is safe but it takes a little while to get used to the military
Watch out for the men selling pigeons/doves at the bottom so you can ‘free’ them! Birds are trained to return to their owners.
Sorry Moir, didn’t see any pigeons or doves
Wow, amazing photos
Thanks Kev
Dear Friends. We are happy that you arrived safely at the highlight of your journey. It is a fascinating journey, we are always with you through the great reports. Please be careful, the area is not the safest. To the flat tire: you should have a spare wheel ,even an inner tube, with a rubber underlay would be useful. We wish you a good and save trip. God’s blessings always.
Hey guys, unfortunately the new hymers do not come with spare tyre or anywhere to store a spare tyre. We so preferred it when every vehicle came with a spare.
Where did he get the wood from to build a boat of epic proportions and what was his design and skill level to achieve this monumental feat.
If you look on page 23 of the bible I think it mentions B&Q but strangely enough it doesn’t mention which town
Hi Joanne. Just love your photos and blog. I have a question please. When you are away from the UK for long periods of time how do you manage your MOT. I think everything else is done on line.
Hi Dianne, when we first got our motorhome we had nearly 3 years of no MOT. Now, we time our travel with MOT or we have it MOT’d just before a trip, so we can travel for up to 12 months if we wish.
You look fab Joanne love, love the hat. Take care my friend. Xxx
You too Audrey x
You two are such an inspiration and I feel blessed by the amount of sharing you do. I Travel on my own and without your blog/ FB posts to inspire and show me what can be done, I think I might fall prey to “how can you travel on your own, aren’t you scared?” Thank you
Well done you lot..stunning..see if you can find the anchor.. Its got to worth a few Bob by now
Hahaha. Found a piece of owd wood…wonder if?
What can I say but stunning!
Cheers Itchy x